Govt. Degree College Women , Kathua.



A semester examination for B.A./B.Sc./B.Com.(General)/BBA/BCA/Honours course shall be open to the following categories of students :

(A) A regular student i.e. a student who has undergone a regular course of study in a college for the period specified for that course of study by having been on the rolls of the college immediately preceding the examination and has his/her name submitted to the Controller of Examinations by the college Principal where he/she has pursued the course for the examination and has fulfilled the following conditions to be certified by the college Principal concerned:

i) he/she has been a student of good conduct.
ii) he/she has attended not less than 75% of the lecture delivered including seminars, tutorials etc in each course opted by him/her in that semester.
iii) he/she has passed in internal assessment.
iv) in the case of laboratory course/practicals, he/she has attended not less than 75% of the practical classes conducted (practicals include field studies, workshop practice, map work, surveying etc.).
v) he/she has paid the prescribed fee.


The scheme of examination for each Semester of B.A./B.Sc./B.Com.(General)/ BBA/BCA/Honours Course shall be as under:-

(A) B.A./B.Sc. In each Semester a candidate shall opt four subjects including General English and the scheme of examination in each subject shall be as under :-

i) General English shall consist of one written paper carrying 100 marks out of which 80 marks shall be for the External Examination and 20 marks for Internal Assessment.
ii) Subject(s) not involving practicals including Mathematics shall consist of one written paper carrying 100 marks out of which 80 marks shall be for the External Examination and 20 marks for Internal Assessment. The paper will be set for 80 marks in each Semester.
iii) Subject(s) involving practicals (other than Indian Music) shall consist of one written paper carrying 100 marks out of which 80 marks shall be for the External Examination and 20 marks for Internal Assessment and 50 marks for practical examination out of which 25 marks shall be for External Examination and 25 marks for Internal 14 Examination (including lab./field work/project report etc. wherever prescribed).
iv) In Indian Music, there shall be one paper of 40 marks out of which 30 marks shall be for External Examination and 10 marks for Internal Assessment. 60 marks shall be prescribed for practicals out of which 30 marks shall be for Internal Examination and 30 marks for External Examination.
v) The examination in the subject of Environmental Science shall be conducted in 3rd and 4th Semesters carrying 100 marks in each semester. However, the Evaluation will be done at college level and the awards of the same shall be forwarded to the Controller of Examinations as is done in case of Internal Assessment. The marks obtained shall be shown separately.
vi) The duration of examination in theory papers shall be three hours and that of Practicals shall be determined by the Board of Studies concerned.


Regulations relating to the award of Internal Assessment in Theory and Practical papers of B.A. / B. Sc. Courses: -

1. 20 marks for theory paper in the subject is reserved for internal assessment and shall be distributed as under:

a. Class Test 10 marks
b. Written Assignment/Project Work 10 Marks

2. In case of Indian Music 10 marks for theory paper in the subject has been reserved for internal assessment. The distribution of marks shall be as under:
a. Class test 07 marks
b. Written Assignment 03 marks

Regulations relating to Internal Assessment in Practical Papers/ Project Work/ Fieldwork of BA/BSc Courses:-

1. 50% of Total Marks for the Practical papers in a subject reserved for Internal assessment shall be distributed as under: 40% for class assessment and tests and 10% for regularity of attendance.

2. In case of BA/BSc Courses Total Marks reserved for Internal assessment shall be distributed as under:

i. Ist Assessment on the basis of day to day performance in the laboratory/field: 06 Marks
ii. 2nd Assessment on the basis of day to day performance In the Laboratory/field: 06 marks
iii. Class Test: 08 Marks
iv. Regularity of Attendance: 05 marks

3. In case of Indian Music total marks are reserved for Internal Assessment shall be distributed as under:

i. Class Test: 15 Marks
ii. One Written Assessment: 10 Marks
iii. Regulatory of Attendance: 05 Marks